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Friday, 11 November 2011

List of Black Money Holders In Swiss Bank

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FIND the Attachment of  List of Black Money  Holders

Black Money in Swiss Banks Mainly from INDIA
Indian money inswiss Banks than any other Nationality. Wikileaks  have proof regarding there names, amount and name of bank which Wikileaks got from Rudolf Elmer we have 2,000 Names in two dises the major share is from INDIA. the source of income is form project hedge, From illegal share in stock market, Drug Deal, fake project the deposits in Swiss Bank was stared early 70s. Major Shares of Indian Black money routed from PAKISTAN. Wikileaks published the link in rapid share server address is on port 9999 (SSL Enabled). The Indian Govt needs to be more aggresssive in tracking the black money stashed in foreign banks since Indians Depositing money in Foreign banks is debasing the Rupee. Otherwise WIKILEAKS will do the JOB.

In Swiss Banks Approximately 1,000 INDIAN Nationals are having Main Accounts. In First List 29 peoples list is disclosed. Think about the others how much they could have been deposited in those Banks. For this the depositor has to pay the Demurrage Charge $300 (USD) for $ 100,000.00 USD if it increases more then Billions Demurrage charges will be in percentage of total money and others Charges the total amount in the first list is ~15,67,265 Lakh Crores  in USD $ 1,567,264,999,999,999,500.00 @ the price of  45.9923 INR. Just think what would be the Demurrage to this Account if we calculate with the nominal Demurrage charge i.e. 0.5% the annual Demurrage charge is $ (USD) 7,836,324,999,999,950.00
It means from INDIA knowingly or unknowingly SWIS BANKS are getting $ 7,836,324,999,999,950.00 USD Annually.

The same amount if those people pay the same amount in the Tax mode where would be our INDIA.

Jago Bharat Jago 

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