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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Most Popular Animal Facts

Best Blogger Tips
1. Hippo milk is pink.

2. Turtles can breathe through their butts.

3. Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death.

4. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

5. A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

6. Cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream lying down.    

7.Alligators can live up to 100 years.

8.A cat can jump FIVE TIMES as high as it is tall!

9.Cats lose almost as much fluid in the saliva while grooming themselves as they do through urination!
10. A cow produces around 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

10 Tips for Writing a Successful Blog

Best Blogger Tips
There are many key elements that go into creating a successful blog! Some of the most important key elements of a successful blog surround your content and its relative components. The actual content that you write in your blog posts will be one of your greatest tools for blog success. No matter what your blog is about you’ll want to start by making sure that it is user friendly and can be easily navigated. A reader usually decides within a short amount of time whether they will be sticking around or not! After you’ve got that down, you’ll need to focus on your purpose and your content.

10 of the best tips for writing a successful blog

Create a Niche- When creating a successful blog it is so important to narrow down what the general theme of your blog will be about. If you have yet to start a blog think about where you want to go with it, what do you know a lot about, what information could you share with others? The options are really endless! You just need to think about a topic or idea that can be turned into a daily or weekly post that people would want to check out.

Know Your Audience- Who are you writing for? One of the hardest things for bloggers to realize is that they are not just writing in a journal that no one will read. As a blogger you are potentially opening the door to hundreds, if not thousands, of readers. When it comes to writing a successful blog it is not only what you write but the way you write it that is going to make a huge difference in your level of success. Try to think about your audience when creating your posts and write just as if you were talking to them in person.

Content is Key-What you write about in your posts is what is going to keep your readers coming back. Your posts should be engaging, informative, and to the point.

Stay on Topic- This is one of the most well known tricks of the trade! When it comes to writing a successful blog it is important to write posts relevant to your blogs niche. Now if you write a blog for the fun of it, you can throw this tip out the window. However, if you’re writing to gain an audience you’ll need to stick to the theme of your blog so your readers don’t get confused.

SEO- SEO is a huge topic that is very important in writing a successful blog, I highly suggest doing a little research on it if you’re new to the game. To get you started, one of the best tips for utilizing SEO is in your blog posts is to have a keyword density of about 2.1% so if your post is 300 words long then you should use your keywords 6-7 times. Also try to keep your keywords in order. For example if your keyword phrase is “free Blogger templates”, type it just like that throughout the post and don’t break it up to unless you have to.

Research Before You Write- Another key component in writing a successful blog is to offer your readers something about a topic that they may not have known. I like to throw in facts because I think they’re fun, find what works for you! Some topics don’t require any research but if it is a complex topic make sure that you are well versed before you dive in to writing a post all about it! Show your readers that your information is creditable! Step by step instructions are also helpful in writing a successful blog, a clear description can really separate the successful blogs from the not so successful blogs!

Add a Little Character- One of the great things about blogs is that they allow you to be you! You’re working for yourself so inevitably you have the ability to set the tone for your blog. Try not to be an encyclopedia, don’t just type out a bunch of information and be done with it. In order to write a successful blog you should personalize your posts, share your experience or opinion, throw in some humor, and just let your readers know that you are a real person.

Break It Up- Blogs are supposed to be easy reads. If your posts will be on the longer side break them up by using images, lists, bullets, and splitting paragraphs into shorter sections.

Edit- Even if your blog post is short don’t forget to edit it! Re-read it and spell check it before posting. Mistakes will happen but another great thing about blogs is they aren’t expected to be perfect; still you should always double check your work.

Get Your Readers Involved- Most people LOVE to give their opinion so why not ask. Every now and then ask your readers to share their tips, tricks, success stories, or
views on a certain topic. This is not only a great way to get readers involved but it also allows you to create a community within your blog which is another key element in running a successful blog.

Reply to Comments- Your readers are part of the foundation that forms your success, without them there is not much rhyme or reason to even having a blog in most cases. So take a few minutes every day or every other day to respond to comments left on your blog.
These tips combined with a user friendly blog with a great layout, theme, and style will have you well on your way to writing a successful blog in no time at all.
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Friday, 11 November 2011

New Version Iphone!!! Funny Images

Best Blogger Tips

Check out this new version of APPLE Iphone
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Interesting new movie of Indian Corruption

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Interesting new movie of India.

A KEDAR NATH GUPTA, Distribution interesting movie is running full house in India .........havent you seen or heard about it...........better watch it during the weekend.................



Hero :- Manmohan Singh

Heroine :- Sonia Gandhi

Supporting Hero :- A Raja , Suresh Kalmadi

Supporting Heroine :- Kanimozhi

Main Villain: - Anna Hazare

Supporting Villain :- Baba Ramdev

Script By :- Pranab Mukherjee

Comedy Role :- Kapil Sibal & P Chidambaram

Friendly Appearance:- Dig Vijay Singh

Characterless actor: Sharad Pawar

Item Girl : Main Dancer:- Mayavati

Action:- Delhi Police

Banking Partners:- Madhu Kado , Laloo Prasad yadav & Hasan Ali

  Guest appearance: Ajmal Kasab & Afzal Guru


This to Every One
Till Our Country Awakes

An Indian!!!

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List of Black Money Holders In Swiss Bank

Best Blogger Tips

FIND the Attachment of  List of Black Money  Holders

Black Money in Swiss Banks Mainly from INDIA
Indian money inswiss Banks than any other Nationality. Wikileaks  have proof regarding there names, amount and name of bank which Wikileaks got from Rudolf Elmer we have 2,000 Names in two dises the major share is from INDIA. the source of income is form project hedge, From illegal share in stock market, Drug Deal, fake project the deposits in Swiss Bank was stared early 70s. Major Shares of Indian Black money routed from PAKISTAN. Wikileaks published the link in rapid share server address is on port 9999 (SSL Enabled). The Indian Govt needs to be more aggresssive in tracking the black money stashed in foreign banks since Indians Depositing money in Foreign banks is debasing the Rupee. Otherwise WIKILEAKS will do the JOB.

In Swiss Banks Approximately 1,000 INDIAN Nationals are having Main Accounts. In First List 29 peoples list is disclosed. Think about the others how much they could have been deposited in those Banks. For this the depositor has to pay the Demurrage Charge $300 (USD) for $ 100,000.00 USD if it increases more then Billions Demurrage charges will be in percentage of total money and others Charges the total amount in the first list is ~15,67,265 Lakh Crores  in USD $ 1,567,264,999,999,999,500.00 @ the price of  45.9923 INR. Just think what would be the Demurrage to this Account if we calculate with the nominal Demurrage charge i.e. 0.5% the annual Demurrage charge is $ (USD) 7,836,324,999,999,950.00
It means from INDIA knowingly or unknowingly SWIS BANKS are getting $ 7,836,324,999,999,950.00 USD Annually.

The same amount if those people pay the same amount in the Tax mode where would be our INDIA.

Jago Bharat Jago 

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Funny pics on Indian Democracy

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Dream World Dubai

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No, this is not Alice in the wonderland! It's the
Grand opening of Atlantis hotel in Dubai
Where the cheapest room goes for $35,000 a night!
According to Guinness book of world records, the opening night was marked with the biggest fireworks of the century!

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